What to Expect at Ihry Chiropractic

Our welcoming staff will help you feel right at home!
Our professional, friendly staff welcomes you to experience relief so you can get back to the life you love! We want to help empower your family to live the healthiest life you can. Here’s some information on getting started with care at our office.
Your First Visit
We’ll have you complete some paperwork before meeting Dr. Ihry in the examination room. You’ll discuss your health history and what brought you in.
Next, we’ll go through an exam where he’ll observe your body’s motions, which will help us learn where any subluxations are. Dr. Ihry will ask what causes your pain, when it’s better and worse and end your visit with an adjustment of that area. On rare circumstances of specific injuries, we’ll recommend taking X-rays, which are done in our office.
Please plan to spend around 45-60 minutes with us on your first visit. We recommend wearing loose-fitting, cotton clothing to help with your exam. It always helps to hydrate yourself ahead of time, if possible.
Continuing Care
Your Second Visit
On this visit we will re-examine the area of concern to note any updates and progress. You’ll receive another adjustment and Dr. Ihry may go over some exercises for you to work on at home. Exercises and/or stretching may be added to the treatment plan if you are out of the acute pain stage.
Regular Visits
Dr. Ihry will review your progress to make sure you stay on track with your health goals, adjusting your care plan as necessary. He offers a variety of techniques, exercises and therapies available to ensure you find relief.
Getting You Back Out There
Dr. Ihry will teach you stretches and strengthening exercises to help you heal faster and stay well. Many times, our patients heal within just a couple of weeks. Your improvement depends on your unique situation, health and participation. You can count on us to give you the exact care you need, no more, no less.
Ready to discover relief from the aches and pains your feeling? Dr. Ihry and his team are here to help. Give our Fargo office a call today and let’s get started!